крем для тела bisou nutrition and vitamin c stimulates collagen production 200 мл

The SKINLAB VITA A Serum HyRetinol Duo is a skincare product designed to promote a radiant glow and stimulate collagen production in the skin. Here are some key features of this serum: Vitamin A (Retinol): Retinol, also known as Vitamin A, is a potent ingredient in skincare known for its ability to promote skin renewal, improve texture, and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It stimulates collagen production, which helps to keep the skin firm and youthful-looking. HyRetinol Complex: The term "HyRetinol" likely refers to a combination of retinol and other hydrating ingredients. This complex helps to minimize potential irritation or dryness that can sometimes occur with retinol use, making it more suitable for a wider range of skin types. Radiant Glow: The serum is formulated to provide the skin with a radiant, healthy glow. In addition to retinol, it may contain other brightening ingredients such as vitamin C or niacinamide, which help to even out skin tone and improve overall luminosity. Collagen Production: Collagen is a protein that provides structural support to the skin, helping it maintain elasticity and firmness. By stimulating collagen production, the serum can help improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles over time. 30ml Size: The serum typically comes in a 30ml container, which is a standard size for many skincare serums. When using the SKINLAB VITA A Serum HyRetinol Duo, it's important to follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Retinol products are usually applied in the evening, after cleansing and before moisturizing. It's also crucial to use sunscreen during the day when using retinol products, as they can increase the skin's sensitivity to the sun. If you're new to using retinol or have sensitive skin, it's advisable to start with a lower concentration and gradually increase frequency and strength as your skin builds tolerance. Additionally, consulting with a dermatologist or skincare professional can provide personalized guidance on incorporating retinol products into your skincare routine and addressing specific skin concerns.

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